Inside Our Dream.

Inside Our Dream

July 2018
The Works

Mindfulness and spiritual development course platform with advanced CRM, Sales Funnels & Custom Video Content.

Wordpress | Woocommerce | Funnels | Adobe CC | Animation | Video On Set Filming | CSS3 | HTML | PHP


The Works

The Inside Our Dream project was built out of the pursuit to expand self-awareness and spiritual growth through online multimedia. Through organic youtube content, complex email & Facebook bot CRM flows, and a custom course platform this project pulled all the stops creatively & technically.


To achieve this goal we took all the steps to make the best and easy-to-use platform possible. We started to build the project on WordPress so we can easily scale into a course platform, manage and integrate complex email sales flow through groundhogg CRM and run dynamic upsells using woocommerce and areo checkout based on user interactions.

The Platform

This platform was a complete marketing and event-handling solution. With built-in one on one booking through Latepoint, al a cart course purchasing system, and monthly and lifetime membership portal to all courses and projects. It handled live chat and youtube streaming, an advanced calendar feature for live workshops and events, and a video course delivery system that handles progress and sync to the built-in CRM. It handled automated monthly payments, course tagging, lead tagging and an advanced notification system to let users pick when and what we should send notifications about.


We knew we were going to save this project big per month but we didn’t realize how much. We had 5 major software componates we needed to leverage. A  E-Commerce system, A CRM, A booking system, a live stream system, Video Hosting, custom emails and a membership system. For example lets bundle some major 3rd party SaaS services into one just to see how much a year it would have cost to go down that route.

  • CRM – Mailchimp premium plan costs around $5,712 per year alone.
  • Membership – Kajabi prumim plan costs around $250 m0, & $3000 per year.
  • E-Com – The Basic Shopify Price is 51 mo, & $612 a year
  • Emails – Gmail 5x per user $25 per month, &  $300 a year
  • Booking – Calendly 20 mo & $240 a year
  • Video – Vimeo $14 mo & 168 a year
  • Live Stream – Youtube – Free
  • Total SaaS cost before tax = $10,032 Per Year

The only third party service we opted for was vimeo’s private video hosting because its simply more robust and fairly cheap so if you combine that with our flat rate hosting cost of $33 dollars a month which looks like $564 a year. Which means we abstracted all of that value and bundled the fire power under one roof and connected all the services to work together while also saving over $9,468 a year.


This project featured over 69 emails, 116 segments, and 23 email flows that encompassed complete marketing automation such as automatically tagging users who have completed workshops or engaged in a free webinar, abandoned car, or read every email part of our Motivation Mondays email series.

We also built a dynamic Facebook bot that responded to user inquiries during our Facebook marketing campaign. The bot helped users navigate free workshops all on Facebook and automatically send automated information and content about free workshops and help over come objections and scale communications.

We also launch a youtube channel with free weekly content that drove traffic to our evergreen email list, workshops, and courses.

The design of this project was creatively young in spirit as it was to target a younger demographic of individuals looking for help to find purpose and direction throughout their 20s. As such, a very vibrate colour palette of vibrate blues, greens and pinks with white background were chosen to appeal to the younger audience.

The Logo

The logo was custom created to appeal to a open spirited community with a abstract image of a being in a yoga pose reaching for the sky. With a unique playful iconography, we matched the appeal and of the spiritual community.

Wordpress | Woocommerce | Groundhogg CRM | Latepoint Booking | Custom Membership Site | Facebook Message Bot | Adobe CC | CSS3 | HTML | PHP


Our efforts led to impressive results across multiple platforms. We successfully scaled their YouTube channel from 0 to 1k subscribers and achieved over 175k channel views in under six months. This was accomplished through the use of creative SEO titles and powerful content creation, which resonated with the target audience and led to increased engagement.

In addition to the growth on YouTube, we also managed to convert over $55k in sales into the program using our advanced CRM funnels. This system allowed us to effectively track and manage customer interactions, leading to improved customer retention and increased sales.

On the social media front, we achieved a following of 3k across all channels. This growth in followers not only increased their online visibility but also created a community of engaged users around their brand.

These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our comprehensive digital marketing strategy, which combined SEO, content creation, CRM management, and social media marketing. We look forward to continuing our partnership and helping them reach new heights.